“The Christchurch Symphony Orchestra is on a mission to give those living with intellectual disabilities access to live music,” reports Maddy Lloyd on Monday (8/10) at Television New Zealand. “Its new interactive program, called One True Note, provides community groups a hands-on performance with world-class musicians. For 65-year-old Bruce Lennon, it was his first time having a go at the trumpet, oboe and violin…. Most people who attend these sessions have never played an instrument, and often have barriers to accessing live music. CEO Gretchen La Roche says, … ‘We’re looking for as many ways as possible to make sure that can happen for all of our communities.’ … Those communities include the Chris Ruth Centre, which cares for people 21 years and over with intellectual disabilities…. The 35-minute sessions are held in the Ron Ball Studio in Christchurch’s Town Hall, the rehearsal space for the CSO…. Debbie Ward from CCS Disability Action says it’s a good initiative from the orchestra to be thinking about the needs of young children and adults with learning disabilities…. Learning support groups, day centers, schools and other organizations from around Christchurch will take part in the free program over the next month.”
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