“From the swelling-sea songs of ‘Titanic’ to the space symphonies of ‘Apollo 13’ to the bagpipes of ‘Braveheart,’ James Horner’s singular sound graced some of the biggest moments in the history of movies,” write Andrew Dalton and Sandy Cohen in an Associated Press article that has been widely picked up. “It showed in the two Oscars he won and the 10 he was nominated for.… Horner was the pilot killed in the single-engine plane that crashed in a remote area about 100 miles northwest of Los Angeles.… Horner had a singular sound, but it found a home in a vast variety of movies and other media.… His Oscar wins for ‘Titanic’ came for its score and theme song, ‘My Heart Will Go On,’ sung by Celine Dion, which hit No. 1 around the world … Horner was nominated for 10 Academy Awards in all, honoring his work on ‘Aliens,’ ‘Apollo 13,’ ‘Field of Dreams,’ ‘Braveheart,’ ‘A Beautiful Mind,’ ‘House of Sand and Fog’ and ‘Avatar,’ and for his original song, ‘Somewhere Out There,’ from ‘An American Tail.’ … Horner studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London and the University of Southern California, eventually earning graduate degrees at the University of California, Los Angeles.”
Posted June 24, 2015