“The Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra refuses to be silenced by the coronavirus pandemic,” writes Robin Miller in Saturday’s (4/4) Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA). “While it has had to postpone the last two concerts in its 2019-20 season as everyone follows the stay-at-home order, … the musicians are giving small performances through its @Home Concert Series … posted on the symphony’s website…. Eric Marshall, executive director of the symphony [said] the series was made possible through a grant from the Arts Council of Great Baton Rouge’s Decentralized Arts Funding. The grant originally was to be used to give performances at local schools, which are now closed by the pandemic…. The Arts Council agreed to change the grant [so that] ‘the musicians record their own concerts from home … we could stream them, and the grant money would go to the musicians,’ Marshall said…. Some concerts are recorded using professional equipment owned by musicians, while others simply use their smartphones…. The concerts also are posted on the Baton Rouge Symphony’s Facebook page…. The season’s final two concerts will be rescheduled, especially the finale, ‘Beethoven’s Ninth,’ … celebrating Music Director Timothy Muffitt’s last concert. ‘We can’t let him go without a sendoff,’ Marshall said.”
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