In an editorial in Sunday’s (6/9) Tennessean, the paper’s editors write, “Nashville is still Music City—is it not? Then why are we about to allow the curtain to close on our symphony orchestra? The Nashville Symphony Association has a terrible challenge before it: With $82.3 million owed to a group of lenders on Schermerhorn Symphony Center, it faces possible foreclosure and a public auction of its one-of-a-kind performance hall in a matter of weeks. The arts in Middle Tennessee will suffer if this comes to pass. The symphony association is not being coy or trying to renege on its obligations; it is an honorable, well-respected institution in the community. And at this moment, it needs many more voices in the community to speak up on its behalf. Since 1946, the Nashville Symphony Orchestra has entertained, moved and enlightened music lovers throughout the region.… Over the decades, the orchestra has been a great partner in education, bringing thousands of schoolchildren their first real exposure to orchestral music.… This all could go away, with the bang of an auctioneer’s gavel, on June 28. We should put faith in the Nashville Symphony and show it that we value its courage.”
Posted June 10, 2013