“Thanks to a gift from two of its most ardent admirers, the Oregon Bach Festival will soon be returning to its central campus roots,” reads an unsigned report on Wednesday (6/3) at the University of Oregon website. “Phyllis and Andrew Berwick, both UO grads and longstanding supporters of the festival, have pledged $6.5 million toward a new building for offices, meeting space and a large rehearsal space. The two-story building will be located between the Frohnmayer Music Building and East 18th Avenue. The Berwicks … already pledged $7 million to create the Berwick Academy, one of the few specializing in historically informed orchestral performance. The new gift will provide a building for Bach Festival offices and a 2,300-square-foot rehearsal space for the academy…. The rehearsal space will be shared with the School of Music and Dance and the new building will strengthen the original and continuing connection between the school and what is now an internationally celebrated music festival. The total cost of the 14,000-square-foot building is estimated at $8.725 million and is expected to be fully funded through donations. It should open before the 2017 Oregon Bach Festival.”
Posted June 5, 2015