“The future of live orchestral music at Orlando Ballet performances might very well depend on whether patrons are willing to pay for it,” writes Matthew J. Palm in Monday’s (2/4) Orlando Sentinel (FL). “A survey from the ballet has been arriving in email inboxes with only two questions for recipients: ‘How much does live music affect your decision to purchase tickets to Orlando Ballet?’ and ‘Would you be willing to pay a small increase in ticket prices for a performance with live music?’ … The survey is being sent to ballet ticket buyers, donors and students of Orlando Ballet School, said executive director Shane Jewell. ‘We have been woefully behind in understanding the needs and wants of our patrons and capturing that data,’ Jewell said…. The company … has struggled financially…. Hiring a professional orchestra, such as the Orlando Philharmonic, to play for all performances of ‘The Nutcracker’ could cost up to a quarter million dollars, Jewell said…. He said Orlando Ballet was committed to increasing the quality of the shows… ‘We want to do whatever we can afford,’ Jewell said. ‘I want to make sure we are delivering what the community wants.’ ”
Posted February 6, 2019