“Youth symphony orchestras from both sides of the Texas-Mexico border performed a joint concert titled ‘The Bridge’ ” this past weekend, writes Angela Kocherga in Tuesday’s (1/31) Dallas Morning News. “The El Paso Symphony Youth Orchestra and Esperanza Azteca Symphony Orchestra of Ciudad Juarez played in packed theaters to standing ovations … with joint concerts in both border cities…. James O. Welsch, music director for the El Paso Youth Orchestras, served as conductor…. ‘We have a bridge that connects us not only musically but our humanity,’ said Welsch. The mayor of Ciudad Juarez attended the El Paso concert Saturday. And El Paso City Council Representative Lily Limon was in the audience in Ciudad Juarez Sunday…. About 1,400 people attended the performance at the Plaza Theater in El Paso and another 1,500 crowded into a concert hall in Ciudad Juarez. ‘It was so beautiful. Afterward there were so many tears, tears of appreciation, joy,’ said Maria McCullough, education programs manager for the El Paso Youth Symphony. The idea of a joint performance has now evolved into a plan to create a bi-national youth orchestra on the border.”
Posted February 3, 2017
Pictured: The El Paso Symphony Youth Orchestras and the Orquesta Sinfónica Esperanza Azteca Ciudad Juárez, which performed together on Saturday and Sunday in El Paso, Texas and Juárez, Mexico.