“The Peoria Symphony Orchestra is spearheading a benefit concert to benefit the Central Illinois tornado victims,” reads an unsigned article in Friday’s (11/22) Journal Gazette & Times-Courier (Mattoon/Charleston, Illinois). “The concert is planned at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Peoria Civic Center. Tickets are $20, and all proceeds will be given to the American Red Cross-Illinois Tornado Relief Fund…. All parties involved are donating their talent and resources to the project. The concert will feature music from Handel’s Messiah and will include musicians and vocalists from in and around central Illinois…. Music Director George Stelluto said, ‘We wanted to do something and do it the right way.’ … The Civic Center lobby will open at 6 p.m. where music will be performed by members of the Central Illinois Youth Symphony. Refreshments will be on sale provided by Centerplate Catering with 100 percent of the proceeds going to the relief effort.” Musicians and singers are invited to participate by calling 309-671-1096 or visiting www.peoriasymphony.org.
Posted November 25, 2013