An unsigned report in Monday’s (7/1) Peninsula Daily News (Port Angeles, Washington) reads, “The Port Angeles Symphony recently received a $3,000 contribution from D.A. Davidson & Co. to the symphony’s Adventures in Music school project. Adventures in Music is a collaborative project of the symphony with five school districts in Clallam County and provides live performing-arts programs during the school year for all elementary students. Supporting curriculum materials provided to teachers offer lesson plans and suggestions for integrating arts into other curriculum areas. The program also provides free admission to the families of every elementary student to all five Saturday morning concerts of the symphony. ‘With our support of Port Angeles, we are pleased to strengthen our commitment to helping communities become better places and know that this contribution will have a meaningful impact here in Clallam County,’ said Joe Denhart, senior vice president and branch manager for D.A. Davidson & Co.’s Port Angeles office. Said Mark Wendeborn, executive director of the symphony: ‘We are very grateful D.A. Davidson & Co. will be partnering with us in order to fulfill our commitment to music education for the children of Clallam County.’ ”
Posted July 2, 2013