“According to a new survey commissioned by [classical-music streaming service] Primephonic, 34% of the 1,000 Americans surveyed are interested in listening to classical music, but only 16% actually do so,” reads an unsigned article in Sunday’s (12/1) Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. “Primephonic and Idagio … another classical music-only streaming service that launched in the U.S. in 2018—intend to take advantage of the gap in those numbers, to improve access to classical music by offering new-user-friendly software and guided listening…. ‘I think it’s almost a necessity to have a different experience if you want to do classical right,’ said Christoph Lange, co-founder of Idagio…. Primephonic offers educational podcasts with composers and conductors—including Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra music director Manfred Honeck—while Idagio seems to focus more on radio playlists and new albums…. The global CEO of Warner Music Group, Steve Cooper, told Rolling Stone earlier this month that he thinks there is plenty of room for growth in the streaming industry through diversification…. As most streaming services try to offer all music, he suggested that services may align by genre with consumers. Primephonic and Idagio are doing precisely that. Perhaps classical music is ahead of the curve.”

Posted December 4, 2019