In Wednesday’s (5/29) Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (New York), Sean Dobbin writes, “The Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra has received more than 100 inquiries about its open music director position, and is still hoping to end this year with a balanced budget, orchestra leaders told the Democrat and Chronicle editorial board on Tuesday. The search for a replacement for Arild Remmereit, who was fired mid-season, could take as long as two years to complete, said Dawn Lipson, the RPO board chair-elect. But, without offering specifics, Lipson said that some of those who could be considered for the job are already booked to be guest conductors for the orchestra next season. ‘We have an exciting season next year, because you’re going to be seeing some fantastic talent, and at the same time, you might be looking at our future music director,’ said Lipson, who will become chair on Sept. 1, at the conclusion of Elizabeth Rice’s two-year term. The RPO ended its last fiscal year with a budget deficit of more than $700,000. Shortening its summer season saved it about $300,000, while staff reductions saved an additional $250,000, Rice said. … ‘We’re still pushing really hard to balance our budget this year,’ Rice said.”
Posted May 30, 2013