The American Academy in Rome is now accepting applications for fellowships in eleven fields of study in the arts and humanities, including musical composition. Winners of the prize, underwritten in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities, reside for six months to a year at the academy’s center in Rome, where they conduct independent studies and do research. The fellowships include room and board, a study or studio, and a stipend ranging from $15,000 for six months to $27,000 for eleven months. The deadline for applications is November 1. The most recent winners of the prize for musical composition are Jesse Jones, who is using his prize to write Of the Soul, a five-movement work to be performed by the Juilliard String Quartet in 2013-14, with each movement keyed to poetry about religious mysticism and symbolism; and Anthony Cheung, who is continuing research into the aesthetics of notation as well as writing music for live musicians integrating electronics, with recorded and processed sounds from field recordings made in Rome. For more information, visit the academy’s website, call 212-751-7200, or send an email to
Posted September 20, 2012