“After a year in the dark, the Sacramento Philharmonic has announced an aggressive return to performing, with a seven-concert season for 2015-16,” writes Edward Ortiz in Saturday’s (4/25) Sacramento Bee (California). The first concert, on June 27, will feature Mahler’s Second (“Resurrection”) Symphony at the Community Center Theater. “The Mahler was picked as a fitting symbol for the orchestra’s return, said Paul Hogle, leader of the T3 consultancy” and executive vice president of the Detroit Symphony. The Sacramento Philharmonic and Opera “now operate under an umbrella organization called the Sacramento Region Performing Arts Alliance. The alliance hired the consultancy team, called T3, in 2014.… The consultancy has made substantive changes, including a restructuring of the umbrella organization’s board of directors and a new ticket-pricing model…. Erik Ronmark … was instrumental in programming the season [and] is part of the consultancy team and currently general manager and artistic administrator of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra…. In crafting the season for the philharmonic, the consultants studied seven American cities comparable in size to Sacramento.… ‘On a purely population basis, Sacramento should be able to sustain an orchestra and opera company of a size and stature more significant than previous attempts,’ said Hogle.”
Posted April 28, 2015