“The San Francisco Symphony plans to cancel all the remaining concerts of its 2019-20 season, as well as the entire summer lineup through the end of August,” writes Joshua Kosman in Wednesday’s (4/29) San Francisco Chronicle. “The announcement, made on Wednesday, April 29, reflects a long-anticipated acknowledgment that the COVID-19 pandemic, and the social-distancing guidelines it has made necessary, are likely to be with us for the foreseeable future…. The cancellations of 64 concerts, dating back to … March 9, will create a net loss of $5.4 million…. To close the gap, the orchestra’s musicians, stagehands and staff will take salary cuts averaging 25% for the period of April 19 through Sept. 5. Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas will not receive any compensation for the missed performances. CEO Mark C. Hanson said he anticipated that the salary cuts and other cost-cutting measures would be enough to keep the organization financially stable through the end of the fiscal year, Aug. 31.… Hanson said the orchestra is planning to increase its online offerings…. ‘We are hoping to be able to engage in normal concert activity in September,’ Hanson said. “But we are also scenario-planning in multiple directions.’ ”
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