“There’s been so much trash talk between the Bay Area and Cleveland this week over the Warriors and Cavaliers slugging it out in the NBA Finals, even the classical musicians are getting feisty,” writes Tony Hicks in Sunday’s (6/7) San Jose Mercury News (California). “Believe or not, the San Francisco Symphony and Cleveland Orchestra have taken to Twitter to jab at each other using musical terms. Sometimes nerds can be so cute. The Cleveland Orchestra started the fun during the Warriors 108-100 victory over the Cavaliers, tweeting ‘@SFSymphony GSW looking a little largo out there tonight @NBAFinals.’ The San Francisco Symphony came back with ‘@CleveOrchestra c’mon really? You must have been getting a hot dog during that 2nd period accelerando! @NBAFinals.’ Cleveland replied, tweeting, ‘@SFSymphony Beethoven famously said before his 5th Symphony, “Cavs in five” #notreally #butreally #NBAFinals.’ The SF folks fired back, ‘@carnegiehall @CleveOrchestra after today’s injury report, we think the Cavs might be in serious treble. #NBAFinals.’ ”
Posted June 8, 2015