Orchestras are invited to submit proposals for the third annual SHIFT: A Festival of American Orchestras, April 8-14, 2019, in Washington, D.C. SHIFT celebrates the vitality, identity, and extraordinary artistry of orchestras and chamber orchestras by creating an immersive festival experience in the nation’s capital. Proposals for the 2019 festival are due on January 17, 2017. The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and Washington Performing Arts present SHIFT in cooperation with the League of American Orchestras.
The week-long festival is composed of mini-residencies, with each participating orchestra presenting education events, symposia, and community events in venues around Washington, along with full-orchestra performances in the Kennedy Center Concert Hall. The inaugural festival takes place March 28-April 1, 2017, with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Boulder Philharmonic, The Knights, and North Carolina Symphony. Orchestras selected for SHIFT in 2018 are the Albany Symphony, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, and National Symphony Orchestra. For more information, visit kennedy-center.org/festivals/shift or contact shiftproposal@gmail.com.
Posted November 22, 2016