“Annelle K. Gregory has won the senior division first prize, worth $50,000, at the 20th Sphinx Competition in Detroit, Michigan,” reads an unsigned Monday (2/13) article at The Strad. “The 21-year-old violinist won second prize at the 2016 Sphinx Competition … and third prize at the 2015 Sphinx Competition.” The annual Sphinx Competition aims to develop classical music talent in the black and Latino communities, and is open to junior high, high school, and college-age black and Latino string players in the U.S. “Currently a student of Glenn Dicterow and Michael Tseitlin at USC Thornton School of Music, Gregory has also won prizes at the 2013 Stradivarius International Violin Competition and 2016 American Protégé International Concerto Competition. Senior division second prize, worth $20,000, was awarded to 21-year-old cellist Santiago Cañón-Valencia, while third prize went to 18-year-old cellist Gabriel Martins. In the junior division, first prize, worth $10,000, went to 14-year-old cellist Ifetayo Ali-Landing (last year’s second prize winner), second prize to 15-year-old violinist Katia Tesarczyk Parraguez and third prize to 16-year-old cellist Joshua McClendon. This year’s jury comprised Joseph Conyers, Aaron P. Dworkin, Pamela Frank, Charlotte Lee, Dimitri Murrath, Merry Peckham and Lara St. John.”
Posted February 16, 2017
Pictured: Annelle K. Gregory (left) and Ifetayo Ali-Landing at the 2017 Sphinx Competition. Photos by Kevin Kennedy