The Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra and Music Director Eric Paetkau.

In Sunday’s (6/13) CJWW (Saskatoon, Canada), Carol Thomson writes, “The 2023-24 season for the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra was record-setting. Spokesperson Megan Grier says they had record ticket sales and record attendance and have exceeded any numbers from prior to the pandemic. She estimated around 80,000 people experienced the SSO in the last season, between the ticketed performances, online viewing and their free events which include performing at seniors’ homes and schools. Grier believes they have been successful in increasing their supporter base because there is something for everyone. She points to movies with the orchestra performing the soundtrack, featuring the music of contemporary artists like Queen, Fleetwood Mac and Pink Floyd, many special guests, the Time for Toddlers Program for two to four-year-olds, and next fall at Roxy Theatre, the symphony will perform the soundtrack to a silent movie. Grier adds that the SSO relies on donations, so support is always welcome.”