Initial findings from two studies of aerosol rates and accumulation of COVID-19 by wind instruments and vocalists have been released. In August, research being conducted at the University of Colorado and the University of Maryland, commissioned by a coalition of performing arts organizations including the League of American Orchestras, offered preliminary guidance on in-person rehearsals while mitigating risks associated with COVID-19. While the findings of this study have yet to be validated, results explore aerosol flow and emissions for clarinet, oboe, flute, trumpet, horn, low brass, and voice; measure different mitigation techniques; provide initial modeling of COVID-19 particle concentrations in indoor and outdoor settings; and offer general considerations for safer rehearsal practices. Final results of this study will be available in December. October saw the release of a study of exhaled aerosols conducted by Rice University, musicians from Rice’s Shepherd School of Music, and the Houston Symphony. The study used a high-speed camera to track exhaled air released by singers and musicians who play wind instruments. The Houston researchers state that these results have not been peer-reviewed, but that findings indicate the importance of air movement, masks, and social distancing.
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