“All previously announced concerts in the Toronto Symphony Orchestra’s 2020-21 season are being cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” writes Debra Yeo in Monday’s (7/6) Associated Press. “But the orchestra does intend to perform: just in different venues and smaller configurations. In a news release, the TSO said it would ‘perform redesigned concerts and programs in communities across the GTA, including at Roy Thomson Hall, for audience and ensemble sizes that align with current health regulations.’ What that means exactly won’t be revealed until the fall…. The orchestra is looking to evolve ‘in a way that reflects Toronto’s vibrancy, diversity and creativity,’ CEO Matthew Loden [said], part of which involves performing outside its traditional venue at Roy Thomson Hall. The TSO has managed to keep its staff and orchestra intact with the help of the federal Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, emergency Canada Council for the Arts funding, and support from other public entities, subscribers and donors, but it is projecting a loss of $11 million in ticket revenue. Therefore, it is reviewing financial scenarios for the coming year, including ‘the significant reduction of expenses and new fundraising initiatives,’ the release says.”
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