“To call the past year a strange one for the Toronto Symphony Orchestra would be an incredible understatement,” write Breanna Xavier-Carter and Kevin Jiang in Saturday’s (4/24) Toronto Star (Canada). “But … it was at least a musical one. Musical Moments, a weekly video series … celebrated its one-year anniversary this week…. Every week, thousands of viewers tuned in to watch TSO musicians playing from home or in their communities…. Matthew Loden, CEO of the TSO, [said] he felt the TSO could provide a sense of comfort for people during an isolating time…. TSO concertmaster Jonathan Crow says it gave him an opportunity to continue performing and doing what he loves. ‘It’s difficult to just keep practicing, not knowing when you’ll be able to perform again,’ he said. ‘But this opportunity sort of gave me my life back, … knowing I can still be a violinist and reach audiences again.’ … Loden says the TSO has no plans of stopping, as the series plans to continue throughout the third wave of the pandemic…. Musical Moments, produced by the TSO and the Star, features musicians recording themselves live at home…. A new [three-minute] video will be posted every Thursday at thestar.com/musicalmoments.”
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