“It seemed as if neither cold nor rain nor winds that come sweeping down the plain were going to prevent the Tulsa Symphony Orchestra from executing its ‘Triple Play,’ ” writes James D. Watts Jr. in Sunday’s (10/18) Tulsa World (OK). “However, the gentle yet insistent rain that moved into the Tulsa area around noon Sunday and continued throughout the afternoon forced the orchestra to cancel its concert at ONEOK Field. The orchestra’s executive director, Keith Elder, told the crowd at 3 p.m., the scheduled start time for the concert, that …‘As long as it’s raining, we simply cannot play because of the electrical things here on stage, and because of the instruments our players use.…’ About 15 minutes later, orchestra musicians returned to the stage along with Elder, who said that the weather was forcing the orchestra to cancel the concert. ‘However,’ he said, ‘we do want to play the Mozart, as a way for this orchestra to show how much it appreciates your support.’ … Guest conductor Sarah Hicks then took the podium and led the orchestra—all except the cellos standing because of the puddles of water on the stage—in” the Overture to The Abduction from the Seraglio.
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