The Wichita Symphony Orchestra and Music Director Daniel Hege
“Don Reinhold feels far more optimistic about the Wichita Symphony Orchestra’s recovery from the pandemic than he did a year ago,” writes David Burke in Sunday’s (3/19) Wichita Eagle (KS). “ ‘It’s exceeded expectations,’ the symphony’s CEO said … ‘Every concert so far (in the 2022-23 season) has beaten the budget goal. We were conservative because no one knew how it would come back and how quickly. It’s still not back to pre-pandemic levels … But what’s remarkable is that the financial condition is excellent, and each concert has been making its budget.’… The 2020 pandemic, coupled with racial tensions nationwide during that time, caused orchestras to not only rethink their methods but create a more diverse showcase of performers and composers, [Music Director Daniel] Hege said. ‘There was kind of a clarion call to orchestras and arts organizations throughout the country, especially during the pandemic, with the racial tensions heating up …,’ he said. ‘It’s been a good thing because we were able to discover new works.’ Those themes are extending into the 2023-24 season, which includes seven Masterworks and one pops concert.” The article lists the coming season’s concerts, with commentary from Hege and Reinhold.