At its general meeting on June 26, Canada’s Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra announced results for its 2012-13 season, the orchestra’s 65th and the seventh for Music Director Alexander Mickelthwate. The WSO posted an operating surplus of $128,000 for the 2012-13 season, with a 10 percent increase in concert revenue and a 12 percent increase in donations and bequests over 2011-12. Other news included the expansion of its Sistema Winnipeg music-education program to a second school; the world premiere of composer-in-residence Vincent Ho’s From Darkness to Light: A Spiritual Journey, which the orchestra will perform again at Carnegie Hall in May 2014; the fourth annual Indigenous Festival, incorporating music traditions from Argentina, the Middle East, Russia, and the North American First Nations; an instrument drive that yielded 97 instruments to be used in the WSO’s Education and Outreach programs; and a new “Pop Nuit” late-night concert series featuring soloists such as Canadian violinist Sarah Neufeld of the band Arcade Fire.
Posted July 1, 2013