“The last time the Winston-Salem Symphony played all together in one place to a nearly sold-out audience was March 10, two days before theaters and concert halls were shut down to slow the spread of COVID-19,” writes Lynn Felder in Saturday’s (8/15) Winston-Salem Journal (N.C.). “Venues are still closed, and symphony organizers and musicians announced … their 2020–21 Season Reimagined [of] music for smaller orchestras…. Reimagined, all online with one possible exception, will include three modified Classics concerts, the first Ignite Family Series concert, and an ‘A Carolina Christmas’ concert. Music in homes, gardens and around the community will feature Symphony Serenades, small ensembles of symphony musicians performing works curated by Tim Redmond, music director, and Karen NÍ Bhroin, assistant conductor.” Concerts at the Stevens Center and the Moravian Music Foundation will be live-streamed; “A Carolina Christmas” will be either live or livestreamed from the Ramkat performance space. “Concerts will be available online to Stage Pass members. Stage Pass is a new digital membership program providing access to exclusive online content…. The symphony will continue to offer digital performances through its social media channels including Musician Moments, Camera1, and a new Etherbound project, expected in November.”
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