“The president of the Maine Public Broadcasting Network said Friday the future of classical music on the network’s radio stations is unclear in light of long-term programming plans and the impending departure of popular ‘Morning Classical’ radio host Suzanne Nance,” writes Bob Keyes in Saturday’s (7/13) Portland Press Herald (Maine). “MPBN CEO and President Mark Vogelzang said the network recently completed a strategic plan that calls for more news and information programming on its radio stations…. Listeners immediately expressed concern for the future of classical music on MPBN, which in April announced it had to lay off as many as 10 employees because of reductions in state and federal funding and difficulty raising donations.… Nance plans to be with MPBN through August. Her program represents the only block of classical music on MBPN during the day on weekdays.… Jack Riddle, a member of the board of the Portland-based opera company PORTopera, said … ‘[Susanne Nance] has really taken up the cause of opera, and been an advocate for it. She has done much good. We have enjoyed the benefits of that through increased ticket sales and advocacy. That is our concern. How can she be replaced?’ ”
Posted July 15, 2013