Children’s-book author Mo Willems, the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts’ Education Artist in Residence, “is here to make Mondays a little better for a while: Starting today, he’ll release a new ‘Lunch Doodle’ video each Monday,” writes Nora McGreevy in Monday’s (3/16) Washingtonian. “Willems—he of the beloved Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, Knuffle Bunny, and the Elephant and Piggy series … says his livestream will virtually invite ‘learners of all ages’ into his studio and encourage them to draw and write with him. New videos will be posted to the Mo Willems page on the Kennedy Center’s website. Willems is encouraging students to send him questions at, and he’ll try to answer some of the questions in his videos. ‘I know a lot of you guys are not in school. You’re at home right now, because of all the things that are going on. Well, guess what? I’m at home, too,’ he said in a video press release. ‘We’re gonna hang out together. Matter of fact, I’m really looking forward to it.’ ”
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