In Thursday’s (1/8) Houston Chronicle (subscription required), Lindsay Peyton writes that in Texas, “The Woodlands Symphony Orchestra is making a comeback—after a five-year intermission. One of the original musicians from the symphony, Darryl Bayer, has made it his mission to bring the band back together. He is serving as the organization’s artistic director.” Bayer says that people in The Woodlands—a planned residential community 28 miles north of Houston—“ ‘kept coming up to me and asking what was going on with the symphony.’ … Bayer put out cards that read ‘Bring Back The Woodlands Symphony’ around town…. Then, Bayer started organizing a concert titled Come Together: A Celebration of the Return of The Woodlands Symphony Orchestra. ‘I started calling the original musicians,’ Bayer said…. He also auditioned new members… ‘I want them to be wild, daring and different,’ Bayer said. ‘We’ve got some hip, young musicians. We’re going to be a cool symphony.’ After only two rehearsals, the new Woodlands Symphony Orchestra performed together for the first time at a concert in September…. Bayer is focused on fundraising…. He needs at least $10,000 for the next show,” slated for February, with further concerts anticipated in April, June, September, and December.
Posted January 9, 2015