In Tuesday’s (9/10) Detroit Free Press (Michigan), B. J. Hammerstein writes about “the 3-year Knight Arts Challenge Detroit, an ideas contest open to metro-area residents, nonprofit groups and businesses that’s spearheaded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, a Miami-based nonprofit. It unveiled a plan in October to give $19.25 million to the Detroit arts community. Today, the foundation is announcing 56 projects that are scheduled to receive $2.1 million as winners of the first challenge. The smallest grant awarded was $5,000. The largest was $200,000…. The applicants were instructed to keep in mind three rules: The idea must be about the arts. The project must take place in Detroit or benefit the city. Grant recipients must find matching funds equal to Knight’s commitment.” Among the recipients are CutTime Productions, which brings classical music to neighborhood bars, cafes, and eateries; Detroit Chamber Winds Strings, for performances of chamber music in “architecturally and historically significant locations” in Detroit; Michigan Arab Orchestra, supporting a free afterschool program centered around Arabic classical music; Michigan Philharmonic, to produce a Middle Eastern fusion event with the Michigan Arab Orchestra; and Notes for Notes, an afterschool music program in which students learn music production in a recording studio. A complete list of grant recipients can be found here.
Posted September 11, 2013