“Live entertainment is still a big draw for the Netflix generations, but how should arts organisations go about building relationships with them?” writes Olivia Carr in Friday’s (5/12) Arts Professional (U.K.). “It is increasingly likely that young people’s first interaction with an organisation will be online, before they ever set foot inside a venue. High-quality, digital experiences are key to catching the eye of this target market, so it’s worth investing time in building an online presence … It’s encouraging to see many arts organisations create original, witty and unique digital content that stands out on social media…. Some arts organisations are guilty of jumping on new digital platforms without properly considering the resource implications…. A common error is adopting an overly ‘salesy’ tone in communications…. Beware any content that could be viewed as culturally insensitive…. Getting young people into your organisation is only half the battle. Once they have crossed the threshold, it’s important to find ways to keep them coming back….. Timely, relevant and customised email communications keep young people informed about the work of an organisation…. Digital may not be everything, but it’s important and it’s not going away anytime soon.”

Posted May 15, 2017