“American composer and soprano Nia Imani Franklin is the founder and operator of ‘Compose Her,’ an initiative meant to advance and nurture women and girls in classical composition and musicianship,” writes Tracy Monaghan in Wednesday’s (10/14) Icareifyoulisten.com. “Franklin earned her master’s degree in music in 2017 and is the recipient of … awards and honors, from the Kenan Fellowship at Lincoln Center to 2019’s Miss America…. Q: How does your initiative ‘Compose Her’ advocate for women composers and musicians? Franklin: … I’ve created an online community through our social media platforms where women can communicate and find like-minded women in the music industry…. Q: Will you speak to your experiences with classical music’s recent affirmations of support for BIPOC composers and/or women composers?… Franklin: … There is a growth within classical music organizations and leaders who have pledged to make a better effort to highlight Black composers…. I am looking forward to seeing more inclusion for female composers as well as classical musicians of color.… As for if the recent affirmations of support for people of color are sincere or not, I would answer, ‘Time will tell.’ ” Read Symphony magazine’s 2019 interview with Franklin here.