In an appreciation piece published 6/1 in the Savannah Morning News, Linda Sickler writes, “Richard ‘Dick’ Platt was passionate about music. Platt, who died in April at age 80, was instrumental in the creation of the Savannah Philharmonic Orchestra and served as its first chairman … In 2008, Platt met with Peter Shannon, then the conductor of the Savannah Choral Society. Immediately impressed, Platt made a personal donation to the chorus and joined the chorus board. Later that year, the decision was made to create the philharmonic. Platt was one of four people present at the meeting … While most choruses are founded by orchestras, the Savannah Philharmonic did it the other way around. The chorus made its debut in October 2008, while the orchestra made its debut the following January.” In addition to contributing his “organizational skills,” Sickler writes, he “helped select David Pratt for the position of executive director. Pratt has helped the organization increase its audience numbers, donations and corporate support and has produced annual surpluses above targets, even while introducing new programs and events. ‘Dick was absolutely instrumental in the formation of the orchestra and getting it up and running,’ Pratt says. ‘He was a real champion for the orchestra right up until he passed.’ ”
Posted June 14, 2013