In Wednesday’s (12/14) Citizen-Times (Asheville, North Carolina) Hayley Benton selects the top recordings from Asheville musicians in 2016, among them the Asheville Symphony’s Sessions: “In May, the Asheville Symphony released its yearlong project, Sessions, to the public, an album that the orchestra had collaborated on with eight local musicians and bands. The album begins with a jazzy world-beat from [the musical group] Rising Appalachia, soon escalated by a wave of strings that takes the track to another level. Next up is a number from pop-rock band Doc Aquatic, to which the symphony adds a bit of instrumental sunshine. In fact, though the album is full of solid pieces that could stand alone, the symphony’s additions provide a certain cinematic touch to each track, adding a dramatic quality that engages and captivates the listener. For the local orchestra, the project began as an idea: What if the symphony could expand its normal reach—appealing to regulars and rockers alike? What if the city—in all of its artistic diversity—could be reflected in a single soundtrack? And that’s what you get in Sessions, featuring artists like Lovett, Electric Owls, Free Planet Radio, Matt Townsend, Shannon Whitworth and the Steep Canyon Rangers.”
Posted December 16, 2016