In Sunday’s (3/14) The Stage (London), Michael Quinn writes, “The Association of British Orchestras has launched a ‘five-year vision’ that calls upon the government to ‘value orchestras, fund us wisely, legislate supportively and make a real commitment to maintaining music education in schools.’ The 12-page manifesto, A Platform for Success, emphasises a commitment by the ABO’s more than 150 members to take ‘high quality music to more people than ever before’, to nurture new talent and to ‘push the boundaries’ of digital platforms to attract new audiences. … Launching the strategy, ABO chair and chief executive and artistic director of the London Philharmonic Orchestra Tim Walker said: ‘As a sector, we’ve made a number of open commitments, set out what we have achieved and what we can offer—now we’re urging our parliamentary and local authority representatives to keep backing us. The millions of people in Britain who already experience the value of their orchestras want to see the public subsidy we receive maintained. As a sector we prove year upon year that a little really can go a long way—and make a huge difference to individuals and communities across the country and abroad.’ ”
Posted March 16, 2010