In Friday’s (8/2) Summit Daily (Frisco, Colorado), Erica Marciniec writes about the Breckenridge Music Festival Orchestra’s “Music Mania” summer camp at the Breckenridge Recreation Center, “which members of the Breckenridge Music Festival Orchestra will visit [this week] to play selections and show their instruments to the kids…. ‘I always enjoy letting kids play and hear my harp,’ said Emily Melendes, who will visit the camp again this year. ‘They particularly liked that I could play the “Star Wars” and “Harry Potter” music on it.’ … ‘We think it’s a great opportunity to expose kids to music,’ said Jessica Morse, youth coordinator at the Breckenridge Recreation Center, which offers a state-licensed summer camp program Monday through Friday for kids ages 5 to 12. On Friday, the Breckenridge Music Festival presents … ‘Inside the Orchestra,’ … an interactive performance that invites children to move and respond to orchestral selections from a unique vantage point—inside the orchestra. The seating arrangement allows for 450 to 500 people to be seated on the floor in the middle of the venue, with the orchestra arranged in a circle around them…. The Breckenridge Recreation Center joined forces with the music festival last year, and the Breckenridge Arts District came on board this year.”
Posted August 5, 2013