“The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra on Tuesday unveiled its plans to return to performing indoor concerts before live audiences beginning Sept. 11,” writes Mary Carole McCauley in Tuesday’s (4/6) Baltimore Sun. “In addition … guest conductors [will] vie … to become the candidate chosen to succeed the outgoing music director Marin Alsop as music director. And at least seven of those candidates are women or conductors of color.… The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra will hold a three-month mostly virtual ‘Marin Festival’ in the spring of 2021…. Peter Kjome, the BSO’s president and CEO … said the BSO has also ‘greatly accelerated’ the pace of its digital offerings for customers who aren’t ready to return physically. Cameras were added to the Meyerhoff stage … and all classical music and pops programs will be made available to subscribers…. James Conlon, who becomes interim music director Sept. 1, brings his ‘recovered voices’ project…. Eleven programs … will be devoted to telling untold stories, from composers silenced by the Nazi regime to those muzzled because of their gender or race…. In her final concert of the season, [Alsop] will conduct the Baltimore version of the yearlong ‘Ode to Joy’ project [celebrating] the 250th anniversary of … Beethoven’s birth.”
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