“After a successful, quickly arranged concert for the community performed outside Meyerhoff Symphony Hall last week after riots erupted in response to Freddie Gray’s death, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is taking its musical message into the heart of West Baltimore with a ‘Music for Peace’ concert on Saturday,” writes Tim Smith in Tuesday’s (5/5) Baltimore Sun. “BSO music director Marin Alsop will conduct members of the Baltimore Symphony, the Baltimore Symphony Youth Orchestras, OrchKids, Peabody Institute, Baltimore School for the Arts and musicians from City College at a church near Mondawmin Mall, a major scene of violence last week. The program will include the ‘Ode to Joy’ from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, the 2009 song ‘One Day’ by Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu, Harry Belafonte’s ‘Turn the World Around,’ and the hymn ‘Amazing Grace.’ ‘Amidst all the violence and the negative portrayal of Baltimore, we and the nation witnessed a strong display of humanity and goodwill happening all around our city,’ Alsop said in a statement released Tuesday. ‘With this free public concert, the BSO strives to stand in unity and bring our neighbors together in our common language—music.’ The free concert will take place at noon on Saturday at Mount Lebanon Baptist Church.”
Posted May 5, 2015
Pictured: The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra performed a free concert outside Meyerhoff Hall, April 29, 2015. Photo by Amy Davis/Baltimore Sun