In Wednesday’s (7/25) Lewiston Sun Journal/Bangor Daily News (Maine), June Gregory writes, “Aaron Pettengill, a [University of Southern Maine] music performance student who also plays in the first violin section of the Bangor Symphony Orchestra, wrote the winning composition for the PBSO/SummerKeys program, ‘Keys to the Symphony: Focus on the Composer.’ … By winning this competition, Pettengill was awarded a week of composition study with Roberto Pace at SummerKeys. SummerKeys, founded by Bruce Potterton, is an intensive summer adult instrumental and composition program in Lubec with over 300 U.S. and international students and 25 faculty members. Pettengill’s composition, ‘Ice Queen Dreams of Spring’, will be presented by the Passamaquoddy Bay Symphony Orchestra at 2 p.m., Sunday, July 29, at Lubec School. PBSO, conducted by Trond Saeverud, international violinist and concertmaster for the Bangor Symphony Orchestra, is an international, multi-age group comprised primarily of amateur volunteer musicians.”
Posted July 26, 2012