“The Toronto Symphony Orchestra has undergone an abrupt, major change in leadership—with the departure of several board members and a new board chair now in place,” write Marsha Lederman and Robert Harris in Friday’s (12/16) Globe and Mail (Canada). “Late Friday, the TSO announced that Richard Phillips, chair of the board for the past year, and a member for the past six, was no longer with the organization. Four of the other five members of the board’s executive committee have also left, including Sonia Baxendale, who stepped in as acting chief executive officer … last March…. Catherine Beck, who joined the TSO Board just this past year, is the newly elected chair…. The organization is seeking both a new permanent CEO [while Gary Hanson serves as interim CEO] and a new music director.” Peter Oundjian, as previously announced, plans to step down in 2018. Monday’s (12/21] Toronto Star noted, “TSO also issued a new statement on Monday … about Phillips’ departure… ‘The decision to leave the TSO was entirely Richard’s, who had the support of the board at all times. The other directors who stepped aside also did so voluntarily and independently came to their decisions for diverse reasons.’ ”
Posted December 20, 2016