“Fresno Grand Opera canceled its remaining season Tuesday and announced it is filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, capping a turbulent few weeks of cash-flow issues and the departure of key artistic personnel,” writes Donald Munro in Tuesday’s (3/7) Fresno Bee (California). The company, founded in 1998 … was considered one of Fresno’s major arts institutions…. Events moved quickly this week: On Monday, the board was struggling with a cash-flow crisis. The company still owes 22 union-represented musicians $17,000 for the Jan. 27 and 28 performances of ‘Our Town.’ … Also on Monday, the board severed its contract with Ryan Murray, Fresno Grand Opera’s music director and ‘Our Town’ conductor. …. Word came Tuesday of a defamation lawsuit [alleging] financial irregularities, conflicts of interest and improper corporate governance…. ‘Of Mice and Men,’ planned May 6 as a joint production between Fresno Grand Opera and Modesto’s Townsend Opera, was canceled Tuesday…. In recent weeks, [Matthew] Buckman resigned as general director of both Fresno Grand Opera and Townsend Opera. The two companies share productions and an artistic staff but maintain separate boards of directors.”
Posted March 10, 2017