“A foundation started by the late Montreal real estate entrepreneur David Azrieli has established two $50,000 prizes for orchestral compositions on Jewish themes and subjects,” writes Arthur Kaptainis in Thursday’s (1/22) Montreal Gazette (Canada). “The winning pieces will be played by the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal under Kent Nagano in the Maison symphonique. The Azrieli Prize in Jewish Music will go to a work composed within the last 10 years, while the Azrieli Commissioning Competition is aimed at generating a new work on a Jewish theme by a Canadian. Both prizes are open to composers of any age, faith or background…. Candidate composers are asked to submit a proposal of the work to be created and two excerpts of completed pieces by March 15…. Both victorious compositions will be performed at the Azrieli Music Project Gala Concert on Oct. 19, 2016. The announcement defines Jewish music as ‘music that incorporates a Jewish thematic or Jewish musical influence’ including ‘biblical, historical, liturgical, secular or folk elements’ and especially content drawn from ‘contemporary Jewish life and experience.’ … The Azrieli Foundation, established in 1989, has stressed education in Israel and Canada. A native of Poland, David Azrieli died last July 9 at the age of 92.”
Posted January 22, 2015