In Wednesday’s (9/30) Lowcountry Parent (South Carolina), Janice Crews writes about the Charleston Symphony Orchestra, where she is director of education and community engagement and her work “includes bringing free or low-cost CSO performances to local schools, with a special emphasis on reaching Title I schools and underserved areas…. ‘I work on school programs, including Young People’s Concerts and all of our in-school efforts…. Our professional musicians perform for students all around the Charleston area…. By sending our musicians out into the community, we eliminate the three main barriers to live musical experiences: access, affordability and transportation.… Working with kids is something that really inspires our musicians. When they play for kids, there’s a different kind of energy that the musicians seem to feed off of…. The CSO has a unique structure in that a third of each musician’s time is devoted to education, so it’s actually a significant part of the job…. There’s a lot that goes into these programs, and it takes a commitment from the CSO’s musicians and staff as well as from the schools and teachers to make it happen. It’s a great example of the collaboration we share with the local school districts.’ ”
Posted October 2, 2015