“Christopher Warren-Green is … stepping down as the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra’s music director at the end of the upcoming season,” write Adam Bell and Heidi Finley in Tuesday’s (5/11) Charlotte Observer (NC). “The orchestra made the announcement Tuesday, and also detailed its schedule for its 90th season, all with in-person concerts. At season’s end, Warren-Green will assume the titles of conductor laureate and music adviser to the symphony…. CSO President and CEO David Fisk … said it would likely take until 2023 or even 2024 to announce a new music director…. Warren-Green … also is in his 33rd year conducting the London Chamber Orchestra [and] is looking forward to spending more time with his five grandchildren, who are all in England…. He spoke with pride about the orchestra’s work in music education, including … an after-school program that provides free instruments, ensemble music training and homework help to Charlotte area students in partnership with Arts+. ‘Christopher has helped us to cement our position as the center of uptown cultural activities,’ … Fisk said. Those community relationships made it possible for the symphony to get through COVID-19 in a situation that ‘otherwise could been a catastrophe for live music.’ ”
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