“The Chicago Symphony Orchestra on Tuesday announced the appointment of Jessie Montgomery as the next Mead Composer-in-Residence,” writes Miriam Di Nunzio in Tuesday’s (4/20) Chicago Sun-Times. “Appointed by CSO music director Riccardo Muti, Montgomery will begin her three-year post on July 1…. In her new role, Montgomery will receive commissions to write three new orchestral works for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra … and curate the CSO’s MusicNow contemporary music series, which will feature the Chicago premieres of some of her existing works. A series of newly commissioned chamber pieces will premiere in the final two seasons of her tenure…. Montgomery’s commissioned works have been presented by the Albany Symphony, the American Music Festival, the Chicago Sinfonietta, the Joyce Foundation, the National Symphony Orchestra, the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and the Young People’s Chorus of New York, among others. On May 20, Montgomery will join current Mead Composer-in-Residence, Missy Mazzoli, in the livestreamed ‘From the Composer’s Studio,’ an in-depth conversation about ‘what it means to be a composer working with symphony orchestras in 2021.’ A Q&A will follow the 6 p.m. presentation, which is free and open to the public https://cso-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_p-ZnYEfYSoCe6ynSFS4FWQ.”
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