“The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra conducted a national search … for its first-ever chief diversity and inclusion officer,” writes Janelle Gelfand in Friday’s (3/12) Cincinnati Business Courier. “In the end, they found the right person in their own backyard. The orchestra announced on March 12 the appointment of Harold Brown, who resides in the Glendale area, for the newly created executive leadership position. As chief diversity and inclusion officer, one of the first positions of its kind at a major American orchestra, Brown will guide the CSO’s new action plan to tackle issues of diversity, equity and inclusion across its entire operation. He will begin on March 17 as part of the senior management team, reporting to president and CEO Jonathan Martin. ‘A big part of this work is helping this orchestra to become a better, more accessible and more relevant community partner … ‘ Brown said. ‘There are a lot of programs already under way that are doing great things.’… Brown, a native of Oxford and a Harvard University graduate, has previously held positions at Interact for Health, the Greater Cincinnati Foundation and KnowledgeWorks…. He and his wife, Gwen, have been leading donors of the orchestra’s annual Classical Roots concert.”
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