“The Cleveland Orchestra … is still revamping its 2020-21 season but intends to begin streaming live concerts from Severance Hall this fall, if possible,” writes Zachary Lewis in Wednesday’s (8/12) Plain Dealer (Cleveland). “It remains unclear when live audiences will be invited back…. ‘I want people to know we’re working on it, and that there’s a grander plan we’re finalizing,’ said president and chief executive André Gremillet…. The group is still working with the Cleveland Clinic to formulate coronavirus safety protocols and devising concert programs that follow them.… Firmer details should be available in late August or early September, Gremillet said. At that time, he said, the orchestra could decide to allow patrons to return in person starting in December…. The current plan is to begin the 2020-21 season remotely in early October…. Each week … a smaller, spread-out orchestra of about 50 musicians would give two one-hour performances at Severance Hall without an in-person audience. One of those performances would be … available for [online] viewing by donors and subscribers…. An appearance by conductor and film composer John Williams (originally slated for last April) … is being rescheduled, and the orchestra is working on a ‘new type’ of holiday program.”
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