“The Cleveland Orchestra now has even more reason to be grateful to the Nord family,” writes Zachary Lewis in Tuesday’s (4/6) Cleveland.com. “Two years after her family funded student tickets to all education concerts, the orchestra Tuesday said Jane Nord has made another gift, this one worth $1 million. That’s not all. Conceived as a way of kicking off a matching fundraising campaign, the gift has the potential to raise another $1 million from orchestra benefactors in support of the orchestra’s general operation…. Nord, for her part, said the gift stems from a desire to share her love of the orchestra and classical music with others…. The philanthropist, whose family also has made notable gifts to the Cleveland Museum of Art and Case Western Reserve University, said the ensemble has played a central role in her life. She said she hopes others will enjoy similar experiences and feel moved to support the group as well…. In that spirit, the orchestra has established a web page for recording Cleveland Orchestra memories. Patrons interested in sharing moments related to the orchestra and classical music are encouraged to pen a message at clevelandorchestra.com/yourstory.”
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