In Monday’s (9/12) Arizona Daily Star, Chathalena E. Burch writes, “Composer Stephen Paulus had decided from the start that his 9/11 commemorative oratorio, ‘Prayers and Remembrances,’ would be about much more than the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 10 years ago. It would be a work to commemorate life and death, whether it was one person dying or 100, death by natural causes or natural disasters. ‘This is a work of healing, hope and humility,’ he told the audience half-filling Centennial Hall Sunday afternoon for the Tucson Chamber Artists and Tucson Symphony Orchestra’s world premiere performance. Moments into the seven-movement work, conducted by TCA Music Director Eric Holtan, it was clear that Paulus had succeeded. ‘Prayers and Remembrances’ played like a heartfelt promise of hope even in the backdrop of unfathomable heartache. … Holtan, who with TCA patron Dorothy Vanek commissioned Paulus to write the piece, was true to Paulus’ vision. He never let the choir, which was in spectacular voice Sunday, wallow in the texts—seven excerpts from sacred and secular works including the uplifting ‘Lord Make Me an Instrument’ from St. Francis of Assisi, an inspiring passage from the traditional Navajo prayer ‘In Beauty It Walks’ and the combined words of Mohammed and Hebrew text to emphasize loving thy neighbor.”
Posted September 13, 2011