The opening session of this year’s League of American Orchestras’ Conference kicks off at 1:30 pm today in Cleveland. League President and CEO Jesse Rosen will welcome delegates, followed by Gary Hanson, executive director of the Cleveland Orchestra, which is hosting the Conference, and Leonard DiCosimo, president, Cleveland Federation of Musicians, Local 4. Jane Chu, chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, will address delegates, and government, business, community, and artistic leaders will share their perspectives at a panel discussion entitled “Getting Real About Relevance: Our Value through the Eyes of Others.” The Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra and cellist Alisa Weilerstein, a COYO alumna, will perform at the opening session, led by Brett Mitchell. On the slate for tonight: a performance at Severance Hall by the Cleveland Orchestra and Music Director Franz Welser-Möst of Strauss’s Daphne, which will be immediately followed by a Tune-Up Party at the Atrium at the Cleveland Museum of Art—the place to be to mingle with colleagues and enjoy the party Cleveland Style! Join us on Twitter at #Orch2015.
Posted May 27, 2015