Friday (7/10) in the online magazine Miller McCune (Santa Barbara), Tom Jacobs writes, “With cultural coverage rapidly disappearing from the nation’s shrinking newspapers, new forums for arts journalism need to be found. … Now, the University of Southern California is collecting intriguing new approaches to cultural coverage, the best of which will be explored at an on-campus summit this fall. The National Summit on Arts Journalism will be webcast live from Los Angeles beginning at 9 a.m. Pacific Time on Oct. 2. It is sponsored by the USC Annenberg School for Communication and the National Arts Journalism Program. … Projects are to be submitted online. They will be accessible to the public through Aug. 17, at which point they will be evaluated by a panel of veteran arts journalists. Five winners will be announced Sept. 1. Representatives of all five will receive travel expenses to come to Los Angeles and give a live multimedia presentation at the Oct. 2 summit. Roundtable discussions of the ideas will follow, including input from the online audience.”
Posted July 13, 2009